The error cause cannot be determined, since the table SNAP does not contain a suitable short dump.

Error Message - Hata Mesajı

The error cause cannot be determined, since the table SNAP does not contain a suitable short dump. Table SNAP probably already contains so many short dumps that it cannot take on any more. Examine the situation using the system log.SNAP contains all short dumps from the last 7 days.

There are many reasons for this error. I can give some solution methods fix your problem;

- The note 17537
- Log backup should be shrinked by DB Team

Bu hata mesajı birçok nedenden dolayı alınabilir. Bunun için birkaç çözüm yolu aşağıdaki gibidir;

- 17537 nolu SAP note
- DB takımı tarafından log kayıtları küçültülmelidir.


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